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For those who want to make a donation, any contribution further supports the creating and delivering of resources.
We thank you in advance for your support!
Recordings of a live-streamed workshop with Franco DeNicola, including interactive features such meditations and tools.
How would your life, reality and the world around you shift and transform, by accessing higher awareness of the mechanics of how things work and you were able to utilize it?
There have been and still are today many different perceptions and conceptual ideas how the world, the various systems and we as humans operate. Various organizations and special interest groups with specific agendas drive most of these perceptions and concepts. How much of what is being propagated and shared amongst one another, as a way of life is how things really work? It is time to take a closer look and uncover how things really work and address many of the myths to set the record straight.
It is about getting back in the driver seat to bring things back into alignment. This workshop is not for the faint of heart!
Do we really know our true design and how things really work?
The world didn’t always operate the way it does now. A different agenda has been programmed in to change the mechanics of how we operate as a species on this planet. Many of the systems we operate within have been programmed to meet and support those agendas. However, we need not be a victim to it, but we do need to understand it in order to shift our reality.
It may seem like in some ways we have come a long way in our evolution and awareness and in other ways it may seem like we aren’t moving nearly fast enough or have made the progress we had imagined! There are still so many systems in place that seem to control much of our lives, so how are we supposed to move forward? How do we step into our creator state and live a 5D life while still in a 2D & 3D operating system?
During this one-day workshop Franco looked at the mechanics of us as humans, the world and the systems that have been created and upheld. How did we get here and why are we here? What changed to make the earth different and what changes are coming?
We have many systems in place with their own set of rules and laws, but what are the true fundamental principles we should be living by?
These and the points below are some of the topics Franco will be covering to give us a better picture of our current state and how we can collectively change it.
• Creation, how this playground we call earth came about and for what purpose
• Are we part of the previous existence and other life forms that once existed on this planet
• What is our true history, how did this existence come about
• Our relationship with other beings and the roles that are shared
• Is there a master controller and governor of our reality and world
• How closely connected are we to source and all existence, what is our relationship
• Who and how was it decided for you to be here, why are we here and why now?
• How did we get here and what was involved
• How are we affected by the collective and how do we affect the collective
• What is really going on?
• Why do I feel the way we do and how much are programs and how much is sensing
• What is really happening with all the chaos taking place
• A look at the many levels of how we communicate and receive information and guidance, but are we consciously aware of them and how does it work?
• Are we ever not communicating and or connected, is it possible
• The family system the programs we have adopted to maintain that system – Children and parents and their true roles
• The true purpose of relationships of all types, how does it work and how it is constantly changing
• How do we change these systems within and in the collective
• Communities and how we work together
• 2D, 3D, 4D and 5D the differences and their purpose – where are we at and where are we going
• What are the fundamental principals
• The systems – laws and rules
• Environmental and climate changes, what is really happening.
• What is going on with the altering of the skies (chemtrails), the addition of specific additives to food and other resources
• The role of money, religion, education, shadow government and many other systems, and how did they come about, a complete breakdown
• What is going on with the medical system, education system, media, governmental bodies
• The systems – laws and rules
• Why did we allow it to happen
• What are the fundamental principals
• How we create our reality beyond the laws of attraction
• How much power do we have to shape our reality and how are we actually using that power
• Fine tuning our purpose
• Accessing the complete realization that life is an elaborate game – it’s up to us how we play it
• Several processes
• Meditation/activation
This workshop will cover a lot of information regarding how and why we are here, an overall look at the world and the structures currently in place and how we can collectively change it!
This was an information-packed day with several processes during the workshop and closing guided meditation activation to integrate the work done and make the experience more powerful.
Please share the information about this workshop with all your friends and family! The more of us coming together and creating a shift in oneself the more effective it will be to shift things globally.\
A workshop you do not want to miss!